Don’t know where to start?

“Ur Story” consultation Session

At JH+W, we know your health story is just as unique as you are. It is “Ur Story” that holds the answer to your current state of health and how best to restore it. In this 60-minute discovery session you have the opportunity to share your health history, goals/“destinations” for your health, and to review your current nutrition and lifestyle habits. By attentively listening to you, we will assess the signs and symptoms you are experiencing, and together, develop a “road map” of restoration and enhancement.

Our recommendations might include a nutritional and digestion lab test, specific lifestyle modifications, mindset shifts, functional nutrition, restorative therapies, and digestive and absorption enzymes tailored for your specific body type. Created to meet clients wherever they are on their path to wellness, the staff, and specialists of Journey Health + Wellness take pride in educating and empowering clients along the way.

Restoring your health is a process. Like any worthy journey, it requires knowledge and proceeds step-by-step.

*Our Ur Story Session is not required for many of our restorative therapies, but is recommended to better guide you on your journey to optimal health. This in-depth consultation helps us build an informed picture and allows your practitioner to plan a rational approach to a successful detoxification and wellness strategy for you.

Enzyme nutrition is the key to digestive proficiency and is the foundation of our approach. It is the art and science of using functional nutrition to maintain homeostasis and health in the body. Enzyme replacement therapy works with the body’s innate intelligence to bring the body to optimal health using whole foods that contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, rather than trying to manipulate it by using chemical compounds that produce side effects. Food enzymes are a natural and important component in our food supply, yet they are systematically removed to extend shelf-life. Consuming enzyme-deficient food causes stress in your body by forcing your digestive system to work harder to break down food and absorb nutrients. This may lead to poor digestion, inadequate nutrient absorption, and complaints such as heartburn, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and headaches.

Enzymes are the construction workers of the body - they help you to maintain health and normal functioning. Protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals are simply the building materials. Enzyme supplementation helps to ease the stress on your digestive organs and allows you to get the full nutritional benefit from your food.

We use the basic sciences to understand how the body operates and to figure out what stresses are causing it to malfunction. The Loomis System® uses several diagnostic tools including a case history combined with physical examination and lab tests to determine the stress and how to eliminate or reduce its effects. Medical history is taken into consideration and recommendations are tailored to suit your specific needs and goals.

  • What are enzymes?
    Enzymes are the spark of life. Without them, life would not exist. They are the workers that make your body function. Although, the actions of enzymes cannot be seen, it is the driving force behind virtually every biochemical process that occurs in the body. There are hundreds of thousands enzymes active in every organ, tissue, and fluid, and each has its own function.

    Enzymes activate our muscles, stimulate our nerves, make our hearts beat, keep us breathing, and even help us think. These complex biochemical substances are also able to convert nutrients from food to strong, healthy bodies.

    There are three distinct types of enzymes:

    • Food enzymes which are contained in all raw food.

    • Digestive enzymes which are secreted by the body to digest foods.

    • Metabolic enzymes which run other biochemical processes.

    What do enzymes do?
    Plant enzymes bring the plant to maturity or ripeness. If the conditions are right, they will “digest” the plant when properly activated. The enzymes are released by either chewing or cutting the plant. All enzymes require the following in order to work: the presence of water, the proper temperature, the correct pH range (acid vs. alkaline), and something to digest. The body is provided with enzymes every time raw food is eaten because all raw food contains just the right amount and type of enzymes to digest itself. Nature put enzymes in raw food to aid in the digestive process so that the body’s enzymes would not have to do all the work.

    I eat a balanced diet, so why would do need enzymes?
    If you eat food that is steamed, boiled, roasted, broiled, fried, stewed, canned, pasteurized, or even microwaved, you need food enzymes. Enzymes are the most heat sensitive nutrients found in food. When food enzymes are missing, the body is forced to produce all the enzymes necessary for digestion. This puts unwarranted stress on the organs of digestion to supply the enzymes needed to complete the digestive process. Stressed digestion minimizes the energy production available to feed the organs of the body that support its healthy function, a process called homeostasis.

    How can I avoid enzyme deficiency?
    Digesting food is one of the most energy-consuming tasks performed by the human body on a regular basis. When foods deficient in enzymes are eaten, the body uses a considerable amount of energy making enzymes for digestion. This often explains why we feel tired after eating. To avoid food enzyme deficiencies, eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible. We live in a modern age where food needs to be convenient and nutritious, so taking plant enzymes with each meal will help digest your food, lessen the work of your digestive system, and reduce stress on the digestive organs.

    What are the signs of enzyme deficiency?
    Consumers spend over 80 billion dollars each year to relieve symptoms of digestion. Fatigue, bowel irregularity, abdominal gas, and headaches are just a few of the symptoms that can result from regularly consuming enzyme deficient foods. All these signs can be attributed to poor digestion. If you are showing any of these signs, it is possible you already are food enzyme deficient.

    How long will I have to take food enzyme supplements?
    The length of time it takes to correct imbalances in body chemistry will depend upon how long the imbalances have existed and how well you follow your practitioner’s dietary recommendations. Most people notice a positive difference within a relatively short period of time, some even at their very next meal. However, healthful balance is only regained when the major stressor has been removed.

    After body chemistry is restored to normal, a multiple enzyme supplement may continue to be taken to help maintain sufficient enzyme levels. Diet modification is strongly suggested as a means of taking care of the body.

    • Digestive System Dysfunction

    • Irregular Bowel Movements

    • Abdominal Pain

    • Heartburn

    • Bloating, Distention, Gas

    • Microbial Imbalance

    • Food Sensitivities and Allergies

    • Poor Immune Response

The lymphatic system is of vital importance in the elimination of toxins. Lymph nodes and vessels can become sluggish and clogged with bacteria and protein deposits. The causes of lymphatic congestion range from injuries and surgery, inactivity, and poor diet, to emotional/stress states, environmental toxins, hormone imbalance, and normal aging processes. When this state occurs, the blockages cause a backup in the flow of lymphatic fluid, resulting in swelling or edema in the tissues and in various kinds of “symptoms.” Consequently, toxic waste matter cannot effectively be released from the body, nor can the immune system function at optimum performance. The result is a wide range of dysfunction and disease. Lymphatic Enhancement Technology (L.E.T.) therapy restores optimal flow to the lymphatic system.

The Aria Elite device is an FDA-registered Class I therapeutic device that is comprised of 2 glass wands and uses a combination of electrostatic current, sound waves, and light therapy. By accelerating lymphatic drainage for tissue detoxification applications, L.E.T. therapy is designed to detoxify the soft tissue, boost immune system function, and reduce stress in the body.

This ultra-relaxing therapy follows the body’s detoxification pathways to rid the body of excess waste, bacteria, and viruses that accumulates in the connective tissue. With this toxin-flushing technique, you can look & feel better instantly, enhance immunity, and recover quicker from injuries, surgeries, and ailments other modalities haven’t been able to alleviate.

Sessions are 45-60 minutes in length. The results are cumulative, and often a series of sessions is the most effective way to achieve optimal results.

  • How is Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy Different from Manual Lymphatic Massage?
    Vibrational lymphatic therapy is more effective at relieving lymphatic congestion than manual lymphatic drainage. While manual lymph massage does assist the body in increasing the flow of fluids by a gentle pumping and pushing motion, LET therapy utilized by Journey Health + Wellness, LLC works at a deeper, cellular level to break up bacteria, viruses and protein blockages congested in the lymph nodes and lymph capillaries. It converts thickened, stagnant lymph fluid back to more of a water consistency allowing it to flow more freely and rid the body of toxins. The detoxifying effects are also amplified with LET vs. manual lymph massage.

    How to Prepare for the Treatment?
    This is a natural therapy and requires your skin to be in a natural state. Your skin should be clean and free of all lotions, oils, perfumes and deodorant.

    The most important thing is to be well-hydrated. Begin drinking extra water a day before your session and continue drinking water for at least another 24-48 hours after your session for maximum benefits. Eat lightly the day of treatment.

    What to Wear?
    You will remove clothing (except underwear) and be draped in a blanket, much like with a massage. Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes that can be removed easily and are not restrictive when you are done with your session. Ladies, please, no underwire bras on the day of your treatment.

    What to Expect DURING a Lymphatic Detox Session?
    This treatment is serene and enjoyable like a relaxing massage. You may experience sensations on the table as lymph fluids begin to move (tingling, coolness in fingers and toes, digestive noise). The gentle, rhythmic movements are relaxing and rejuvenates. The session is performed via the Arcturus Star Products: Aria Elite which has 2 glass wands that are brushed over the skin. These wands produce several different types of vibrational energy that are recognized by the body to encourage healing.

    What to Expect AFTER a Lymphatic Detox Session?
    It depends largely on the overall health and diet of the individual as we are all different and fabulous in our own right. Your experience will be unique to you and dependent on all the other factors. These are some of the more common responses you may experience shortly after your session:

    • Your body may feel clean, light and pure.

    • Your mind may be clear, sharp and expanded.

    • Some joints may spontaneously “adjust” themselves as the reduction in fluid allows for better alignment.

    • Sometimes, as you detoxify you may briefly feel sluggishness, nausea, muscle aches, pain and fatigue (These symptoms typically do not last and are a sign of healing).

    • You may temporarily experience symptoms of past conditions in the reverse order in which they manifested. Known as “retracing”.

    • You may experience a temporary increase in urination and bowel movements that are possibly more odorous and/or darker in color.

    • Temporary change in your body odor and/or increased sweat.

    • Deeper and more restful sleep (maybe wanting a nap in the day).

    • Increase in circulation that assists in balancing your immune system.

    • Post-nasal and/or ear drainage.

    • Reductions in swelling and fewer or lighter headaches.

    • Reduction in brain fog.

    Occasionally, a person may experience an emotional release, or feel “lighter” on the inside after their session. Often, the energy of a traumatic event can seemingly be stored in a physical place. Because the work is detoxifying the body at the cellular level, sometimes those releases can be quite profound, including feeling the need to cry or laugh.

    *Known blood clots, DVT, AVM, carotid blockage, or high stroke potential/history

    How many sessions are recommended and how often?
    It is recommended to have therapy twice a week for four weeks to get the maximum benefit. This has the effect of jump starting your “river of life”, the Lymphatic System. It also depends on why you are seeking Lymphatic treatments. What are the issues you are looking to address? I personalize each and every treatment. I will evaluate you during your first session and make recommendations at that time. If you are seeking overall wellness and are disease free, then these treatments are just like visiting the dentist, you should do a “cleaning” at least two times a year.

    If budget is an issue and you can only do a couple of treatments, I encourage you to still do the treatments. They will make a difference. Packages are available at reduced rates, please inquire at the time of treatment.

    How long until I see results?
    Most clients notice an immediate result and further improvement when they wake up the next day. Many describe a sensation of increased energy immediately after the session and then another spike the day after. With regular sessions, along with at-home lymph love, clients generally notice improved energy levels, mental clarity and an overall sense of well-being. Again, I stress that results are very individual to a person’s overall health profile and lifestyle choices.

    Who can benefit from LET?
    If there are no contraindications, anyone can benefit from regular treatments using the Lymphatic Enhancement Technology. However, individual sensitivity levels need to be considered, and are assessed early on. It is safe for infants up to elderly, and even animals!

    • Breast Conditions

    • Chronic Pain

    • Immune Functions

    • Pre/Post-Surgical

    • Esthetics Procedures

    • Injury Rehabilitation

    • Sports Medicine

    • Lymphedema Care

    • Women’s Health

    • Stress Relief

    • Post Cancer Therapies

The body is designed to self-cleanse. However, due to stressful modern lifestyles, poor diet, history of prescription medications, lack of exercise, and a myriad of other things, it has become harder for the body to effectively carry out its natural cleansing process.

Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonics or colon irrigation, is a gentle method of internally cleansing your colon of toxins and accumulated waste matter.

The LIBBE Colon Hydrotherapy System is an FDA-registered Class II medical device for colon irrigation. A colonic, or colon irrigation, takes place in an integrated clinical setting affording the client both modesty and dignity. A soothing flow of UV-purified, warm water is gently introduced into the colon through a disposable nozzle. Due to the continuous inflow and release during the treatment, the body’s muscles are used to provide a more natural, gentle release. At the same time, the peristalsis (action of the muscles of the colon) is greatly stimulated, and this provides an excellent workout for the colon.

Given the nature and comfortability of the LIBBE device, the therapist does not need to be present in the therapy room and affords you privacy, dignity, and efficacy. Sessions are 45 minutes.

Whether used for preventative maintenance programs, as a pre-operative preparatory procedure, prior to endoscopic/radiological exams, or when medically indicated by a doctor, the LIBBE Colon Hydrotherapy device is safe, simple, and effective for irrigating the colon. Used in combination with a regimen of proper nutrition and regular exercise, regular colon cleansing can be a powerful tool for breaking unhealthy habits, restoring the body’s natural cleansing process, and maintaining optimum health throughout your lifetime.

  • What to Expect?
    **The first time you visit plan on about an hour and a half. Our New Client Intro Package is spaced over 2 sessions within 48 hours. On the first session day our I-ACT certified colon hydrotherapist will review the intake paperwork you have filled out in advance of arrival. Any questions or concerns will be addressed in your consultation.

    Next your colon hydrotherapist will coach you on using the colonic equipment and the features of the device. You will then begin your colonic session, this usually last 30-45 minutes of actual time on the device. At the end of your session there will be time to allow your body to drain any excess water it may be holding. When the session is finished you will dress and exit the therapy room.

    The session is performed with the utmost concern in modesty for the client. (It is beyond the scope of practice for the therapist to insert or assist in inserting the nozzle into the rectum**) The therapist will provide you with a sheet to cover yourself to maintain your privacy. The LIBBE Colonic Device is designed to be “self-operating”. After the therapist instructs you on the proper use of the device, and answers any questions you may have, the therapist will leave the room and you control the session. Many clients like to bring in a book to read or listen to soft music or meditate during the session.

    It is highly recommended to have your second visit within 48 hours of your first session.

    Your therapist will be happy to discuss any questions and determine future appointments customized to your goals.

    Regular colonic sessions last about 45 minutes. Your appointments after the initial colonic session will be booked for one hour in the colonic room to allow time for questions and getting dressed.

    How to Prepare for Colonic?
    The day before your colonic session drink plenty of water as it works best when you are well hydrated and eat light.

    Do not eat for 2 hours before the colon hydrotherapy session. If you have been constipated drinking herbal teas or taking natural laxatives before the session is helpful to soften fecal matter. Doing an enema at home to relieve constipation is also helpful and will make session easier, but not required.

    After Your Colonic:
    Some good choices for foods after a session: soups, soft fruits, or steamed vegetables, juicing or a smoothie. Avoid alcohol, meat, dairy, hard to digest fruits and vegetables, beans, and sugary items. Rest and relax is always beneficial however you can return to normal daily activities. It is recommended to not do strenuous exercise after a session.

    Included, but not limited to: recent colon, rectal or abdominal surgery; congestive heart failure; intestinal perforations; carcinoma of the rectum; fissures or fistula; severe hemorrhoids; abdominal hernia; renal insufficiency; pregnancy; and cirrhosis of the liver, and certain medications. If you have a concern about your health or the appropriateness of colon hydrotherapy please consult your physician or licensed healthcare practitioner.

    • Improves Digestive Function

    • Maintains Bowel Regularity

    • Increases Energy

    • Increases Absorption of Vitamins and Nutrients

    • Improves Concentration

    • Pre-operative Preparation

    • Promotes Overall Well-being

Healing cannot take place without the appropriate oxygen levels in the tissue and cells. As a result, many illnesses and injuries fail to heal because of inadequate oxygen levels due to pain, swelling, and reduced blood flow.

Mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy (mHBOT) enhances the body’s natural healing process by inhalation of oxygen in a total body chamber, where atmospheric pressure is increased and controlled. Using the Oxy Health Vitaeris 320 chamber, increased pressure allows for mild oxygen to dissolve and saturate the blood plasma, which yields a broad variety of positive physiological, biochemical, and cellular effects. This non-invasive therapy is the most trusted way to increase oxygen levels in all organs of the body and promotes healing injuries and infections safely and effectively. The typical therapy session lasts 90 minutes, during which the client lies down and breathes normally.

mHBOT can treat the cumulative wounds of life we refer to as aging. It can be used as an adjunct therapy to complement and enhance the healing process in both chronic and acute conditions. mHBOT therapy can enhance healing in people with various conditions and sessions are tailored to fit your specific need and response to therapy. The results are cumulative and often a series of 10 to 30 sessions are the most effective way to achieve optimal results.

Our Mild Hyperbaric Chamber Operators are certified and our Hyperbaric Medical Advisor, Dr. Zayd Ratansi, is a licensed Naturopathic Physician with advanced certifications in hyperbaric medicine, bio-oxidative medicine, low level light therapy, chelation therapy and environmental medicine. Anyone interested in mHbOT must first complete a Safety Screening Assessment.

  • Is it safe?
    YES! The hyperbaric chamber uses filtered ambient air, so there is no risk of oxygen toxicity to the body even with regular use. The chamber can be depressurized and opened from the inside. Once inside the chamber, both visual and verbal communication is possible with the outside, and there is also a buzzer for help. Most people report a comfortable, relaxing experience and emerge from the chamber feeling refreshed. This therapy is non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical, and there are no dangerous side effects

    How does it work?

    • The mild hyperbaric chamber is filled with compressed ambient air from 2 to 4.5 pounds per square inch. (1.3 ATA max) This is the equivalent of 11 feet below sea level.

    • The increased pressure allows the blood plasma and other liquids of the body to absorb additional oxygen thus greatly increasing oxygen uptake by the cells, tissues, glands, organs, brain, and fluids of the body.

    • The resulting uptake of oxygen allows for increased circulation to areas with swelling or inflammation. At the same time, the increased pressure decreases swelling and inflammation.

    • Oxygen is then utilized by the body for vital cell functions, healthier cells equals healthier tissues, and organs.

    • The human body is capable of healing itself when it has what it needs. There is NOTHING the human body needs more than OXYGEN.

    Are there any side effects?
    No dangerous side effects have been reported with Mild Hyperbaric Therapy. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when preparing for your first session in a chamber:

    • Some people experience a mild discomfort to the ears when pressurizing the chamber, not unlike during the ascending part of an airplane ride.

    • Some people following their first few sessions experience slight fatigue as the body sweeps itself clear of toxic debris that has built up in the body. This is safe and necessary.

    • It is advisable that you wear comfortable,100% cotton, loose clothing. (Pantyhose and other tight garments may contribute to feelings of claustrophobia.) Bring something to read, as the sessions last about 60 minutes.

    • Do not drink large amounts of fluids before entering the chamber.

    • Do not wear perfume or cologne when you are coming for your session.

    What can I expect DURING my mHBOT session?
    The chamber will seem smaller when deflated than it is when fully pressurized. Within one minute the chamber will inflate completely, allowing enough room for an adult to sit upright or lie fully extended.

    After the chamber inflates, it will begin to pressurize. This is the time when you may experience pressure in your ears. The easiest way to relieve any discomfort this may cause is to equalize your ears using one or more of the following methods:

    • Close your mouth and firmly clamp your nose shut with your fingers and thumb. Blow, as if you were blowing your nose, but keep nose and mouth closed. You will feel the air come out through your ears when you have done this procedure correctly and this should relieve the pressure.

    • Yawn. Stretching your mouth as wide as possible, even stretching your tongue out. This will cause the sinus passages surrounding your ears to drain and relieve the pressure.

    • If you are the parent of a small child who is having trouble with their ears during pressurization, try massaging the area just below the ears and right behind the jaw. A baby still on the bottle or pacifier should be given either of these, but if your child is likely to spill drinks in the chamber please try to monitor them with liquids.

    • Sit upright. Turn your head completely to the right, then completely to the left. Repeat earlier steps until the ears are cleared.

    How long does a session last?
    The sessions last around 60 minutes. You may be able to stay in longer, we allow up to an extra hour per session at no extra charge.

    What can I do during my mHBOT session?

    • Listen to music on a portable device.

    • Talk on your cell phone.

    • Play handheld games.

    • Work on laptop computer.

    • Read books or magazines

    • Take a nap

    What are the contraindications of mHBOT?

    PREGNANCY: MILD HYPERBARIC THERAPY IS NOT ALLOWED DURING THE FIRST TRIMESTER. After this time, it may be beneficial to both mother and child.

    Are there any other reasons I should NOT go in the chamber?
    Yes. You should NOT go into the chamber if you are inebriated (drunk), if you have ear canal problems or an ear infection, or if you are experiencing flu or cold symptoms. Also, please do not enter the chamber wearing perfume or cologne. We do have individuals who are sensitive to chemicals that might enter the chamber after you.

    How frequently should I schedule my sessions?
    We will make a recommendation for you based on your needs after an initial evaluation/session.

    What are the benefits of combining Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy with Infrared Sauna Therapy?
    Infrared Saunas are known for their ability to increase circulation, which can help reduce pain and inflammation at the cellular level. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy increases oxygenation in the body, which helps fight off infections and boosts your immune system. Together, this double-down effect can significantly reduce inflammation in your body and promote the healing of damaged tissue.

    Both therapies can help improve your mood by lowering levels of stress hormones in your bloodstream and increasing endorphins (natural painkillers) in your brain. This may help you feel less anxious or depressed overall while also improving your ability to adapt to stress.

    Combining mHBOT with Infrared Sauna increases the blood flow throughout your body, providing more oxygen to tissues that need it most - including those deep within joints and bones where cartilage tends to break down over time due to insufficient oxygen supply from surrounding tissues. The Hyperbaric Chamber can enhance your recovery from exercise or injury by giving your muscles more oxygen so they can heal faster and more thoroughly! Afterwards, The Infrared Sauna will help flush out toxins from your body while ensuring that all those toxins are released through sweat instead of reabsorbed into your bloodstream.

    If you are interested, ask about our mHBOT/Infrared Sauna combo packages available.

    • Cognitive + Neurological Function

    • Improves Memory

    • Bolsters Immune Function

    • Pain + Inflammation

    • Athletic/Sports Enhancement

    • Anti-Aging

    • Pre/Post Surgery

    • TBI

    • Improves Circulation

    • Stress + Anxiety

    • Heart Health

    • Joint + Soft Tissue Health

Your body is a complex electrical system. Electricity is how the cells in your body interconnect with each other – and good communication between cells, organs, and tissues promotes healing. In fact, it’s key to good health. Microcurrent therapy encourages cellular communication which can effectively relieve pain and swelling, promote healing, accelerate recovery time, and increase flexibility.

Each tissue type in your body has its own signature electrical frequency, which over time, may be disrupted by toxins, injury, surgery, or disease. The Intelligent BioEnergetics Electro-Equiscope device is an FDA-registered Class II medical device that can decipher abnormal tissue response and administer corrective current. This microcurrent normalizes and relaxes damaged tissue, thus allowing the body to return to homeostasis.

Proprietary protocols identify impedance and comfortably deliver a highly advanced, minute electrical current to affected areas and will adjust an electrical output back into the body. Using small plates or probes placed on the skin’s surface, specific frequencies will be selected by your technician to encourage natural healing of the body and reduce your pain.

The therapy is non-invasive, non-chemical, and painless. Sessions are 60 minutes. The results are cumulative and often a series of 3 to 12 sessions are the most effective way to achieve optimal results.

At Journey Health + Wellness, we believe in giving you access to the knowledge and most advanced scientific tools to help you live life at YOUR 100%. If you’re experiencing pain, discomfort, chronic health issues, or other causes, Microcurrent Therapy could be an excellent option for you to restore your health and well-being. When used in connection with the many therapies offered at Journey Health + Wellness, you may find your vitality is restored, and you’re able to live the life you deserve once again.

  • What to expect DURING a session?
    The Equiscope technology helps to harmonize the autonomic nervous system by opening cellular communication thus increasing the production of the body’s natural energy.

    Using small plates or probes placed on the skin’s surface, specific frequencies will be selected by your technician to encourage natural healing of the body and reduce your pain.

    The benefits of Equiscope therapy are cumulative over time. For acute conditions, we would expect to notice a shift within the first 1-3 sessions. For more chronic conditions, often a series of 3 to 12 sessions is the most effective way to achieve optimal results. Sessions are typically 60 minutes each, with the total number of sessions varying from person to person. Our technicians will assess clients and supply them with information and a plan specially tailored to their situation.

    What to expect AFTER a session?
    It depends largely on the overall health and diet of the individual as we are all different and fabulous in our own right. Your experience will be unique to you and dependent on other factors. You could experience detox-like symptoms or soreness the following day. To enhance results and reduce possible side effects please comply with the following:

    • Be sure to hydrate before and after a therapy session.

    • Take it easy, refrain from working out and overexerting yourself for at least 4 hours after a session. Energy is being directly put into the body. It needs time to absorb and to be used for healing instead of dispersing for another purpose.

    • Refrain from taking a shower or emerging in a body of water for at least 4 hours after a session. Water is conductive and the energy will disperse through the skin, obsoleting the therapy session.


    • Pregnant women

    • Individuals with pacemakers

    • Reduce Pain/Swelling

    • Relieve Discomfort

    • Increase Circulation

    • Increase Flexibility

    • Accelerate Recovery

    • Optimize Performance

    • Support Detoxification

    • Smooth/Tighten Skin

    • Improve Sleep

    • Improve Overall Sense of Well Being

    • Traumatic Brain Injury

    • Arthritis

    • Joint/Ligament Injuries

    • Strains/Sprains

    • Break Up Scar Tissue

    • Sciatica

    • Headaches/Migraines

    • Neuropathy/Neuralgia

We are exposed to hundreds of chemicals each day - from the air we breathe, the items we touch, what we eat and drink, and what we apply to our skin. Not all these chemicals can be processed adequately by the body, nor can they be handled at one time. By incorporating Infrared Sauna Sessions into your routine, you can help your body rid itself of these devastating toxins, while deeply relaxing.

Our full-spectrum infrared sauna combines beneficial infrared rays with the therapeutic beauty of visible light through color light therapy in every session. Most importantly, by eliminating the sun’s troublesome, harmful UV rays, we provide a safe, restorative sweat session that will leave you rejuvenated.

Near, mid, and far infrared waves penetrate the skin, muscles, joints, and tissues to increase circulation, speed oxygen flow, and help rid the body of harmful toxins. Using our infrared sauna helps to remove impurities from your cells, specifically the cells inside our fat where our body stores waste and harmful toxins such as heavy metals.

Our infrared sauna features LED color light therapy, also known as chromotherapy. Color light therapy is a system of alternative medicine that uses projected colored light to ease emotional and mental imbalances. Therefore, each color possesses frequencies of a specific vibration, and each vibration is related to different physical symptoms. Color therapy works on various energy points to help balance your body via the full spectrum of visible light.

Infrared sauna sessions are used as adjunct therapy to complement and enhance our other restorative therapies. 30-minute and 60-minute sessions are available. Single or 2-person sessions can be selected.

  • What can I expect during my session?
    When you arrive at Journey Health + Wellness, our well-trained staff will guide you to the modern, inviting infrared sauna room. If it’s your first time, we will walk you through all the great features of the sauna. We’ll also provide you with refreshing water, to stay hydrated through your session. You’ll be in a completely private room, so you can choose to use the sauna in as few clothes as you wish. We provide several large towels to sit on, as well as smaller towels for your face. You can listen to the radio, or just sit in meditation.

    Is it safe?
    Yes. Unlike ultraviolet light, which can be harmful, infrared light helps cells regenerate. It will cause you to sweat, so hydration is important. We provide water to all our clients to make sure you don’t overheat. Because of the extreme temperature, you shouldn’t take psychedelic drugs or drink alcohol before your sessions. If you are pregnant, you should not use the sauna, because extreme temperatures can be dangerous during the early development of the fetus. If you have lupus or MS, and are taking steroids, check with your doctor before using infrared light treatment.

    Is the sauna private?
    Yes! We use an individual sauna, in a modern, calming, enclosed room. This way you can change clothes, sauna, and towel off in private. We also have a special entrance available. If you are concerned about privacy, simply call ahead and our helpful staff will provide instructions.

    How long is a session?
    Our team will work with you to determine the best length of time for your specific needs. We currently offer 30 and 60-minute sessions. We recommend most people start with a session of 30 minutes, but that time can be adjusted based on individual health goals. **Dual sessions are also available as our sauna is large enough to comfortably accommodate 2 people.

    How hot does the sauna get?
    The infrared light will heat your body evenly, from within. You’ll have a refreshing sweat that removes impurities, but the air isn’t damp and heavy like a traditional steam sauna. We adjust our recommended temperature based on your personal health goals, but most people find between 120-130 degrees F to be optimal. If you begin to find it too hot, you can open the vent located in the sauna ceiling or open the door to let some fresh air in and cool down.

    • Detoxification

    • Relaxation

    • Improves Circulation

    • Anti-aging + Skin Purification

    • Increases Cellular Production

    • Enhances Recovery Time

    • Wound Healing